Articles Tagged with grounds for divorce

Man's legs walking away as house keys lie on the ground -- marital abandonment can be cited as grounds for divorce.Marital abandonment is when one spouse leaves the relationship without telling or consulting with the other spouse. This can be cited as grounds for divorce in states that allow for at-fault divorces as well as in hybrid states like New Jersey, which recognizes both no-fault and at-fault divorces.

Because marital abandonment can be classified into different types – criminal, constructive, emotional, spiritual – the circumstances surrounding the abandonment, in addition to whether your state is a no-fault, at-fault, or hybrid state, will play a role in determining how you would file for divorce. To learn more, read “What You Need to Know About Marital Abandonment.”

Child's blue eye with tear showing affects of domestic violence on childrenSociety dictates that the ideal family is one where children are raised by two parents all living under the same roof. Yet, there are circumstances when staying together for the sake of the children is far from the best choice.

Parents involved in a domestic violence relationship may think they are hiding the abuse from their children, but often that is a false assumption. A recent study confirms that children of domestic violence—whether they are targets or witnesses—are two times more likely to develop long-term issues than their peers. To learn more about the impact domestic violence can have on the child who repeatedly witnesses this type of abuse read, “NJ Advocate: Children Being Damaged in Homes with Domestic Violence.”

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