
Articles Posted in divorce proceedings


What You Should Do Before Hiring A Divorce Attorney

The past year brought unprecedented challenges that caused many of us to reassess various aspects of our lives – our jobs, our lifestyles, our relationships. For many couples, the challenges proved too much, leading them to contemplate divorce. Terminating a relationship is a big step not to be entered into…


In a Divorce, Who’s Left Holding the Credit Card Bills?

Marriage is a partnership, therefore, it is not unusual for couples to share both assets and liabilities while they are together, but what happens in a divorce? Usually spouses, with the help of their lawyers, will work to reach agreements for the distribution of property and other assets. The court…


Preparing for That Initial Meeting with Your Divorce Attorney

For many people, the decision to divorce comes after months or even years of assessing their situation and giving careful consideration to all other options. But, no matter how long you have lived with the possibility of divorce, taking that first step to end your marriage is very emotional. Emotions…


Don’t Overlook Health Insurance Options In the Midst of Divorce

It is common in a marriage for one spouse to opt for family coverage under their employer’s health insurance benefits. This way, the employee’s medical expenses as well as those of their partner and children are covered. But divorce changes that – health insurance policies don’t extend to ex-spouses. There’s…


Helping Your Children Cope with Your Divorce

Divorce can be complicated and all-consuming. The one thing no parent wants to do, however, is to lose sight of their children’s wellbeing during the process. As your emotions run the gamut between hurt and anger, it’s important to remember that your children, too, are affected by this change in…


Heading for Divorce? Knowing What to Expect Can Help You Avoid Surprises

Most people don’t enter into divorce lightly. In fact, it’s usually the last resort couples turn to when all other attempts to revive their dying marriage have failed. It’s no wonder then that people facing divorce run the gamut of emotions – sadness, anger, fear, disappointment. The last thing anyone…


Facing a Divorce? Take Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Children

Not all couples facing divorce do so amicably. Those who do usually fare better in the long-run; for those who don’t, however, a little preparation can help you avoid making serious mistakes both during the divorce process and in its aftermath. Individuals involved in contentious divorces have found themselves left…


Discussing Your Divorce on Social Media Often Backfires

Many people today use social media to engage with family and friends, especially those they don’t get to see on a regular basis. These platforms provide an easy means for publicly sharing accomplishments and milestones, or passing along amusing or entertaining stories. Problems can arise, however, when people share information…


Saving Your Credit Rating Through Divorce

Most people work hard to establish a good credit rating and even harder to maintain it once it is achieved. To have a good credit score jeopardized by the actions of another person would be devastating, but that’s what could happen if a husband and wife fail to discuss how…

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