Articles Tagged with marital assets

Common-Financial-Mistakes-FL-blog-2-300x200When going through a divorce, couples can let emotions drive their decision-making process, especially when it comes to such issues as divvying up their assets. The more contentious the divorce, the more likely the scenario of a spouse fighting for assets simply to keep them out of the hands of their soon-to-be-ex.

Cutting through the emotions associated with divorce and looking ahead at the realities of their financial situation can help couples avoid long-term mistakes. To learn about some of the more common financial mistakes divorcing couples make read, “5 Money Mistakes to Avoid When Going Through a Divorce.”

marital-house-400-04680478d-300x199The distribution of assets is one of the biggest hurdles, after matters pertaining to children, that a divorcing couple faces. While it may be easy to assign ownership to certain assets, big-ticket items like the family home are a different story. Some couples just want a clean break. They sell the house, split the proceeds and move on. For others, it is not that simple.

There are a number of reasons someone would want to keep the house following divorce, the main one having to do with not uprooting the children. Another reason is not wanting the added challenge of adjusting to a new home, with or without children. Whatever your reason, once you decide you want the house, the next step is to figure out how to make this happen — buy out your ex, take out a loan, swap another asset for the ex’s share of the house. For a guideline on what to consider before fighting for the house, read “Follow These Steps To Keep The House After Divorce” and make sure you can afford it.

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