Post-Divorce-Thanksgiving-300x200Adjusting to life after divorce can be difficult, especially around holidays that put so much emphasis on family and traditions. As hard as it is for couples to make these adjustments, imagine how much harder it can be for children who are struggling to understand the changes their families are going through.

Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away. For suggestions on how you can make this and the holidays that follow a little less stressful for your children—and hopefully yourself—read “Your Child’s First Thanksgiving After Divorce.”

Divorce: a silhouette of a family in process of separatingDivorce is not a decision most people come to lightly. Many couples will invest significant time—often years—trying to resolve conflicts and fix problems in relationships they believed would last a lifetime before concluding that divorce is their only answer. So by the time they reach that decision, it’s understandable that they just want the whole process to be over. But divorce doesn’t happen overnight.

How long the divorce process takes depends on numerous circumstances unique to the individuals involved: Is the divorce a contentious one? Are children involved? What circumstances led up to the divorce? How many assets are involved? Even where a couple lives can impact their divorce proceedings. For more on how these and other circumstances can affect the timing of your divorce, read the Forbes Advisor article, “How Long Does A Divorce Take?

Protecting your credit score post-divorceFor most people, a healthy credit score is essential to getting by in today’s world. And divorced couples are no exception.

While divorce itself won’t necessarily destroy your credit, it can impact your finances. As you build your post-divorce life, it is more important than ever to protect, and perhaps even improve, your credit rating. For guidance on how to accomplish this, read “Protecting and Improving Your Credit Before, During and After Divorce.”

Gray Divorce - senior couple sitting on opposite ends of sofaMore than one-fourth of divorces in this country today involve couples in their golden years. While divorce is difficult at any age, it can be extremely hard to say good-bye to the person you’ve spent decades with building a life together. One reason for this is so much of your identity is tied to that relationship and to the life you and your partner built.

As frightening and painful as the prospect of divorce may be especially for couples in their 50s or older, there are circumstances when hanging on is not the answer. If that is the case for you, it’s important to know that you can overcome the fear and pain and confusion that come with divorce. The first step to accomplishing this is acceptance. To learn more about how to overcome your divorce and start the next phase of your life with confidence, read “Love and Loss: How to Overcome Gray Divorce.”

fair divorce settlement or financial fraud; Lady Justice with wedding bands in scalesWhether negotiating a divorce settlement in your lawyer’s office or going through divorce proceedings in court, arriving at a fair financial arrangement can be difficult. That’s largely because there are so many variables to consider when putting a value on what each spouse contributed to the marriage, which can lead to conflicting opinions as to what each spouse is entitled to.

Still there is a difference between feeling you were treated unfairly in your divorce and being a victim of financial fraud. How can you tell? A recent article in Forbes, “Red Flags of Financial Fraud in Divorce – And What To Do About Them,” highlights signs to watch for and what you can do to protect your interests.

Child's blue eye with tear showing affects of domestic violence on childrenSociety dictates that the ideal family is one where children are raised by two parents all living under the same roof. Yet, there are circumstances when staying together for the sake of the children is far from the best choice.

Parents involved in a domestic violence relationship may think they are hiding the abuse from their children, but often that is a false assumption. A recent study confirms that children of domestic violence—whether they are targets or witnesses—are two times more likely to develop long-term issues than their peers. To learn more about the impact domestic violence can have on the child who repeatedly witnesses this type of abuse read, “NJ Advocate: Children Being Damaged in Homes with Domestic Violence.”

Property distribution; pair of woman's hands and man's hands tugging on a house keyIn a divorce, the answer to the question of who gets the house may not be a simple one. Essentially there are two ways to approach this question: let the court decide or negotiate an amicable agreement with your ex.

If you and your ex cannot come to a mutually acceptable agreement, the court will rule on the division of property and other marital assets under the Equitable Division Law. This ruling considers several factors and is meant to result in a fair, although not necessarily equal, distribution of property. Couples who would prefer to avoid the court process and negotiate an agreement between themselves have several options to consider. To learn more, read “How Divorce Impacts Property Ownership.”

How divorce affects credit score; picture of laptop computer showing credit score scaleA good credit rating can open many doors – loan approvals, lower interest rates, increased spending limits, security deposit waivers, better insurance rates, to name a few. That’s why, once you build a good credit score, it’s important to keep close tabs on it and avoid actions that can have a negative impact. While divorce itself doesn’t directly affect your credit score, it does change your financial situation which, in turn, can have negative implications.

After divorce, you could end up carrying debt that previously you shared with another person, or find yourself responsible for debts incurred by your ex. Situations like these could work to lower your credit rating. If you find your credit score slipping, don’t despair. There are steps to take to correct that. Read this CNBC article on rebuilding your credit score after divorce to learn how.

Divorce-Red-Flags-300x200No relationship is smooth sailing one hundred percent of the time, especially marriage. When two people decide to build a life together, they are sure to face some obstacles along the way. Luckily, couples often learn to overcome their differences, largely through understanding and compromise, and their marriages endure. Some obstacles, however, are too big to overlook and the marriages end in divorce.

Deciding which problems are minor bumps in the road and which are deal breakers can be one of the hardest parts of marriage. Read “5 Divorcees Reveal the Red Flags That Their Marriage Was Doomed” to learn some signs that your marriage may be headed for divorce.

Divorce-First-Steps-300x200There is a lot more involved to a divorce than two people simply going their own ways. Couples have an overwhelming number of decisions to make—how to divide their assets, where to live and, for parents, how to continue caring for their children, to name a few.

As difficult as it may be, cutting through the emotions and focusing on the logistics involved in the process one step at a time can help you better prepare for your post-divorce life. For a look at a step-by-step plan for your divorce, read “What To Do Before Filing For a Divorce.”

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